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Zuplenz is a prescription antiemetic medication that prevents nausea and vomiting when a patient is undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatments, or post-op following a surgery. Ondansetron is the active ingredient in Zuplenz and it works to block a serotonin from the brain that causes nausea and vomiting. The medication is taken differently depending on if it is to prevent nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy or it is to do the same for radiation therapy. If it is taken to prevent nausea after surgery, it needs to be taken one (1) hour before the surgery. You can buy Zuplenz with a doctor’s prescription at our local pharmacy, but your lowest Zuplenz cost will be when your order medication online from Canada Pharmacy.

Zuplenz (Ondansetron)

  • Zuplenz may be taken up to three (3) times per day for one (1) to two (2) days after each chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
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