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Zoladex is an injectable implant that is used to treat prostate cancer and endometriosis. It is also used to treat advanced breast cancer in women who have not undergone menopause or are around the time of menopause. In addition, Zoladex is used as an endometrial-thinning agent before endometrial ablation. Zoladex is available as an implant of 3.6 mg or 10.8 mg that is injected underneath the skin. Zoladex is classified as a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist.

Zoladex (Goserelin acetate)

  • Zoladex should be administered as directed by your doctor. Questions or concerns may be directed to your doctor or pharmacist. Patients generally receive a Zoladex injection underneath the skin every 28 days. Your doctor will tell you how long your treatment should last.
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