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Welchol (Colesevelam) (Cholestagel in the UK) Welchol tablets belong to the group of medicines called bile acid-binding resins. Liver forms bile acid by using cholesterol. Welchol is a lipid-lowering and glucose lowering agent. Thus, Welchol medication is used to treat patients with high cholesterol and high glucose levels in their blood. Strokes and heart attacks can be prevented by lowering cholesterol levels. Meanwhile, by lowering glucose levels, kidney problems, blindness, nerve problems, sexual function problems, and loss of limb functions can be prevented. Welchol causes the liver to synthesize more bile acid by utilizing cholesterol, which results in a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood. Welchol can be easily purchased from Canada Pharmacy on the prescription of your doctor.

Welchol (Colesevelam)

  • Welchol’s dosage must be strictly followed as prescribed by the doctor without altering the dose in any way. The medicine should be taken with a meal and a glass full of water or any other liquid of your choice. The tablet should be swallowed whole. Those who have trouble swallowing a tablet, Welchol is also available in powder form. Mix 1 packet mixed in 4 to 8 ounces of fluid and drink right away.
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