This medicine is primarily used for treating eye problems. These eye diseases can be open-angle or ocular hypertension. Mainly, this particular medicine is used in treating people who have high pressure built inside their eyes due to the aforementioned eye diseases. This particular medicine functions primarily by keeping a check on and also, regulating the flow of fluid that is present inside our eyes. This thus, in turn, prevents blindness from occurring as normal pressure is maintained within the eyes. You can purchase Travatan Z eye drops from Canada Pharmacy online at the best price. It is also available in Travatan Z 0.004.
Travatan-Z Eye Drops (Travoprost with Sofzia Preservative)
- Strictly adhere to your doctor’s prescribed dosage on how he or she has prescribed this particular medicine to you. It is recommended that you do not use this medicine again and again as it will not have the desired effect that way. Generally, this particular medicine is used one time in the evening. Wash your hands thoroughly before using the eye drops. Avoid touching the dropper or touching the dropper to your lid to prevent contamination. Take out your contact lenses (if you wear them) and tilt your head back. Gently pull your lower lid to make a pouch and put one drop of Travatan-Z in the affected eye. Close your eye and look down for a minute or two. Gently rub the area of your eye near your nose to dissolve the medicine. After using the eye drops put the dropper back and store the medicine in a cool, dry place away from children.