The main ingredient in this particular medicine belongs to the medicine family of corticosteroid. This particular medicine is primarily to be taken by asthma patients. Asthma is a disease which causes the lining of your lungs to become inflamed. This medicine thus, in turn, functions by reducing that inflammation from your lungs. It acts directly on the air passages. The dosage of this particular medicine is constituted of 50 micrograms of beclomethasone dipropionate, and 100 micrograms in each puff of Autohaler and Qvar 100 inhaler. However, ensure that you use this medicine as your doctor has told you and also it may be given for reasons which are not talked about in this article. You can purchase Qvar Autohaler online from Canada Pharmacy.
Qvar Autohaler (Beclomethasone)
- Not necessary to shake before use. Unclip the mouthpiece cover from the back and open the Autohaler. Hold the Autohaler upright while ensuring that you do not block the air vent at the bottom. Breathe out while closing your lips around the mouthpiece. Breathe out as much as you comfortably can. Then breathe in slowly and deeply. When you hear a “click and whoosh” sound, continue breathing in. Do not breathe out at that time. Next, hold your breath for 10 seconds and slowly breathe out. After taking a puff, lower the lever down while still holding the Autohaler upright. Follow your doctor’s instructions. Generally, people take between 2 to 6 puffs.