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Pregnyl is a prescription fertility treatment medication for women and is often prescribed for women beginningIVF treatmentsas part of assisted reproduction. Pregnyl supports the normal development of an egg in the ovary and stimulates the release of the egg during ovulation to improve chances of conception. Pregnyl is most commonly used in treating infertility in women, but may also be prescribed to treathypogonadismin men. It is self-administered as an injection, and only certain intramuscular sites can be used for any Pregnyl injection dosage. You can buy Pregnyl injection with a prescription at most pharmacies and get the best price for Pregnyl when your order medication online from Canada Pharmacy.

Pregnyl (Chorionic Gonadotropin for Injection)

  • Patient’s Pregnyl injection dosage may vary considerably between different individuals. Your doctor will determine the Pregnyl injection dosage that will be best for you, but the standard guidelines for dosage are as follows: For fertility treatmentone injected dose after finishing menotropins treatment. For hypogonadism3 injections per week, or more / less as directed by physician. Forsubcutaneous injection: Forintramuscular injection:
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