Stop taking Invokana and see a doctor as soon as possible if you have any of the following serious side effects:1. Dehydration (Symptoms include dizziness, dry mouth, weak, fast heartbeat.2. Hypoglycaemia (Symptoms include blurred vision, sweating, tingling lips, trembling & feeling anxious.Other side effects:Very common• vaginal yeast infection.Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)• rash or redness of the penis or foreskin (yeast infection)• urinary tract infections• changes in urination (including urinating more frequently or in larger amounts, urgent need to urinate, need to urinate at night)• constipation• feeling thirsty• nausea• blood tests may show changes in blood fat (cholesterol) levels and increases in amount of red blood cells in your blood (haematocrit).Uncommon• rash or red skin – this may be itchy and include raised bumps, oozing fluid or blisters• hives• blood tests may show changes related to kidney function (creatinine or urea) or potassium• blood tests may show increases in your blood phosphate level• bone fracture