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GLEOSTINE (lomustine) is prescribed to treat certain types of cancers. It is a chemotherapy agent, and should only be used under the close supervision of a physician. GLEOSTINE can be prescribed for the following types of cancers: Brain tumors; primary and metastatic tumors., Hodgkin's lymphoma, following disease progression with initial chemotherapy. GLEOSTINE attaches to DNA and RNA, preventing the replication of cancerous cells. GLEOSTINE also attaches to specific proteins, making them inactive.

Gleostine (Lomustine)

  • The normal dose of GLEOSTINE is 130 mg per meter-squared, rounded to the nearest 5 mg. GLEOSTINE is available in the following capsule sizes: 5 mg, 10 mg, 40 mg, 100 mg One single dose of GLEOSTINE is administered every six weeks.
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