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Derma-Vet is a prescription antibiotic medication for pets used as a bacterial infection treatment for dogs and cats. It is applied topically as a gel and Derma vet ointment uses also include treating dog ear infections, cysts, and yeast infections along with dog anal gland infection treatment. Derma-Vet ointment has both antifungal and antibiotic active ingredients along with a corticosteroid to make it ideal for pet infection treatments of many different sorts, and it is one of most prescribed pet antibiotic medications. You can buy Derma-Vet with a prescription, and your best price on it will be when you order pet medication online from Canada Pharmacy.


  • Apply a thin film of Derma-Vet ointment to infection area as indicated 1 - 3x daily, or as infrequently as 1x a week. Application frequency will be indicated in your prescription Clean affected areas of any crusted discharge or other exudate before applying Derma-Vet medicated gel
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