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Cromolyn (Sodium Cromoglycate) This particular medicine has been termed as a mast cell stabilizer because it helps in blocking certain harmful substances in your body that may cause you to have an allergic reaction. Primarily, this particular medicine works by blocking some natural substances, such as, histamine and SRS-A that can lead to allergic symptoms. This particular medicine is also used to treat some eye conditions, such as vernal keratoconjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis, and vernal keratitis. These conditions when developed, lead your eyes to itch. However, bear in mind that you should use this medicine as it has been prescribed to you by your doctor.  If needed, you can easily buy Cromolyn sodium eye drops easily online. They can be bought from Canada Pharmacy.

Cromolyn Eye Drops (Sodium Cromoglycate)

  • As with all other medications, be sure that you strictly follow your doctor’s prescribed dosage when using these particular eye drops. Before using these eye drops, be sure that you properly wash your hands. Avoid touching the dropper to your hand or your eyelid to avoid contaminating the dropper. Generally, you should use this particular medicine 4 times every day. Moreover, treatment with this medicine may continue for as long as 3 months. However, it all depends on how your doctor has prescribed this medicine to you. Bend your neck backward and squeeze 1 drop into your lower eyelid. After that, look down and close your eyes for a minute or two. Next, place your finger gently close to your eye near your nose and apply some pressure to prevent the medicine from getting out of your eye. Also, make sure that you do not blink your eye or rub your eye during this process. If you have to put this medicine in your other eye as well, or if you have to repeat the process with the same eye, just follow the instructions as mentioned above.
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