This medicine falls under the category of psychotropic drugs which basically means one that acts on the brain. Lithium is primarily used for the treatment of bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder. The usual presenting manic symptoms include; poor judgment, less sleep, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, feeling of grandiosity even leading to hostility. Also, Lithium is used for treating depression. Lithium is marketed under different brand names. You can buy Carbolith online from Canada Pharmacy.
Carbolith (Lithium Carbonate)
- Lithium is administered strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Usually, the starting dose is 900 mg to 1800 mg, divided into 3 equal doses. Remember, dosage may vary for different patients, and that is determined by the doctor alone. The basic idea is to keep certain levels of lithium in the bloodstream to control the manic attacks. Thus, regular blood tests are employed to monitor lithium levels, till a satisfactory controlled dosage has been established for a given patient. Lithium must be taken with food and swallowed whole with water. Do not chew or crush the tablet. Also, do not miss or take a double dose without medical consultation.